
The Grey Man

What is a "Grey Man?" The generally accepted idea is that it's a person who can blend into any daily scene without standing out; effectively hiding any skills or qualities. As guys who carry a gun every day, we constantly think about and embrace the Grey Man Mindset. In fact, our newest holster line is named The Grey Man, in honor to all of you who embody the above! We asked one of the guys here at work and I think his definition works very well: "Any Place, Any Situation, No Trace." So, why be a Grey Man? There's 2 main aspects to it, being skilled and prepared, and the other half; not flaunting that. We're gonna quickly cover both...

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What’s in Your Bug Out Bag?

There are a lot of conflicting opinions out there about what exactly should be in a bug out bag. At Fierce Defender, we know one thing for sure- with one of our custom gun holsters on your hip, you’ll be prepared for whatever comes your way. But what else would you absolutely need if you had to simply pick up and go? More often than not, you’ll see casual references to the forthcoming zombie apocalypse, but let’s be honest. That’s never going to happen. What might happen, however, is that you could be forced to leave your home due to a wildfire, a flood, or some other natural disaster. If that’s the case, you’ll want to be prepared. It’s like...

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Why We Make Our Kydex Gun Holsters in the USA

For many, buying products that are made in America isn’t a fad. From clothes to appliances to firearms, many products are seeing a resurgence of American manufacturing and for us at Fierce Defender Holsters, it’s a breath of fresh air. We choose to make our kydex gun holsters here in the states as well for a number of reasons. In today’s blog, we’ll take a look at why we choose to make our custom concealed carry holsters right here in the good old U.S. of A. A Comfortable Holster That’s Not Made Abroad From the beginning, our country seemed to take pride in making quality items that would last for a lifetime (or longer!) and we’re proud to be a...

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The Winter Warrior - Thomas Paine and Kydex Holsters

        Our newest, all kydex, holster line is known as the “Winter Warrior” series. But why? Thomas Paine, one of the USA’s founding fathers, so famously stated: “THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price...

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Celebrate Your Freedom, it was Dearly Paid for

        It's July 4th, Independence day. A great day for family, friends, fireworks and grilling out (I've checked off all of those several times already this weekend). We're fortunate to have such freedoms and more. So let us celebrate and enjoy today, but not forget where it came from. Today is a day paid for years ago, with the blood and lives of courageous people. And more pay that price every day. In order to keep enjoying today it's important to realize it's up to each and everyone one of us to do our part and continue to uphold our freedoms.          A lot has changed since America won her independence. Technology, society, the...

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