
What’s in Your Vehicle?

We’ve done a fair amount of writing on the items to consider as part of your everyday carry and the items we keep around in our bug out bags that are ready in our homes in the event of an emergency. And we’re not talking about the zombie apocalypse. We know, we know--The Walking Dead has everybody considering what they’d do in the event that zombies overtook the earth, but what’s more likely to happen: a zombie apocalypse or a massive flood that happens while you’re at work? Probably the latter. So are you prepared? You’re all set on a daily basis because you carry one of our kydex gun holsters and your firearm of choice (among other things). Your...

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A Few Tips for Drawing Less Attention to Yourself

We’ve written quite a lot about the benefits of being a Grey Man. As a matter of fact, you can check out our blog that was devoted entirely to that topic. In today’s post, we’re going to provide our readers with a few more tips for becoming the type of person that’s prepared for anything that comes your way while also making sure that you’re not drawing any unnecessary attention to yourself. So what does the definitive Grey Man look like? That’s a tough question to answer, due in large part to the fact that it just depends. There’s no such thing as the perfect formula which is why we can’t simply say, “okay, wear this, use this custom gun...

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Introducing the Best Kydex Holster on the Market

The team at Fierce Defender is pretty passionate about making kydex gun holsters that work for a number of different people and in a number of different situations. It’s why we created The Paladin, The Arbiter, and The Grey Man. Each of our concealed carry holster options is created with a different idea in mind, ensuring that firearms enthusiasts are able to carry their weapons in a way that suits them best. It’s that same idea that led us to create our newest kydex gun holster. Ladies and gentlemen, introducing The +1! You get to enjoy the same great level of comfort and adaptability that you find in the rest of our products, ensuring that when you need a custom...

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The Grey Man

What is a "Grey Man?" The generally accepted idea is that it's a person who can blend into any daily scene without standing out; effectively hiding any skills or qualities. As guys who carry a gun every day, we constantly think about and embrace the Grey Man Mindset. In fact, our newest holster line is named The Grey Man, in honor to all of you who embody the above! We asked one of the guys here at work and I think his definition works very well: "Any Place, Any Situation, No Trace." So, why be a Grey Man? There's 2 main aspects to it, being skilled and prepared, and the other half; not flaunting that. We're gonna quickly cover both...

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What’s in Your Bug Out Bag?

There are a lot of conflicting opinions out there about what exactly should be in a bug out bag. At Fierce Defender, we know one thing for sure- with one of our custom gun holsters on your hip, you’ll be prepared for whatever comes your way. But what else would you absolutely need if you had to simply pick up and go? More often than not, you’ll see casual references to the forthcoming zombie apocalypse, but let’s be honest. That’s never going to happen. What might happen, however, is that you could be forced to leave your home due to a wildfire, a flood, or some other natural disaster. If that’s the case, you’ll want to be prepared. It’s like...

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