
Kydex Holster Innovations

Kydex Holster Innovations The firearms industry has a love-hate relationship with innovation.  On one hand, you have people who are on the cutting edge of innovation.  Literally inventing completely new ways of doing things.  On the other end, you have huge manufacturing outfits that handle most tasks by sketching on a legal pad just like their dad did.  The good news is the 2a community is a big tent.  There is room for everyone (even people who produce leather shoulder holsters that allow people to flag entire families at restaurants).   Here at FDO Industries, we fall somewhere in the middle of this innovation continuum.  There is a time-honored tradition of innovation through discovery instead of design.  In fact, this tinkering around...

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Must Have Kydex Holster Accessories

Must Have Kydex Holster Accessories 1.0 Getting a Kydex holster can be a gateway drug to all sorts of accessories for your everyday carry.  There are a ton of different options, and it can get overwhelming.  What you don’t want to do is end up carrying a Batman utility belt around all the time.  Let’s tackle solving this problem in a roundabout way by chatting about comedic supervillains.  Cool, But Impractical You can tell a lot about someone by which comedians they like if you pay attention.  If someone starts to regale you with why The Three Stooges movies are comedy gold, you can bet, they are going to segue into talking about their 1911 (There is nothing wrong with...

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Clips Versus Loops For Kydex Holsters

Clips Versus Loops For Kydex Holsters There is a long tradition in the firearms industry to argue about everything.  Rarely is there a “right” answer given that almost every choice is based on experience and varies with each situation.  If you are at the range and a Fudd tries to draw you into a debate about how to fasten your holster, I give you permission to ignore them.  Especially if they try to banter with you about clips versus loops because it isn’t really a debate.  There is no wrong move when deciding between the two.  This is true with a lot of things, not just how you fasten your Kydex holster. Nerd Alert: Opening Chess Moves Most guys are...

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Should You Have A Light Bearing Kydex Holster?

Should You Have A Light Bearing Kydex Holster? So this is a trick question.  What you really have to decide is if you should put a light on your everyday carry firearm and have a dedicated light-bearing holster.  You don’t want a space for your light if you aren’t rocking the lumens.  To have the perfect fit, you would not put a firearm without a light in a Kydex holster designed for one.  So let’s explore the reasons for having a light on your EDC (even if you are a reverse vampire and only go out during the day).  You can also check out our Holster and Light Bundles for some ideas and context. However, you run your EDC firearm is...

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Training With Your Kydex Holster

Training With Your Kydex Holster Here at FDO Industries, we believe training with all of your gear is important.  Kydex holsters are no different.  It is very easy to think of your holster and firearm as two separate things but they work together.  Doesn’t it make sense to train with them together?  Plus, they just look cool like this combo here. If looking cool isn’t a good enough reason to train with your holster then read on where today we tackle the reasons why it is a good idea.  Before that though, let's look at a really squirrely word and learn about a disordered basement. Don’t Let Your IWB Holster Turn Into A Gewgaw I learned a new word today. ...

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