
Must Have Kydex Holster Accessories

Must Have Kydex Holster Accessories 1.0

Getting a Kydex holster can be a gateway drug to all sorts of accessories for your everyday carry.  There are a ton of different options, and it can get overwhelming.  What you don’t want to do is end up carrying a Batman utility belt around all the time.  Let’s tackle solving this problem in a roundabout way by chatting about comedic supervillains. 

Cool, But Impractical

You can tell a lot about someone by which comedians they like if you pay attention.  If someone starts to regale you with why The Three Stooges movies are comedy gold, you can bet, they are going to segue into talking about their 1911 (There is nothing wrong with the Three Stooges and the 1911.  They are both classics.).

You can also tell a lot about the culture by what jokes take off and what style of comedy is en vogue at the moment.  This is because at the core of every good joke is the truth.  That is what makes it funny.  “What does this have to do with holsters?” you might be muttering to yourself, still mad about me attacking the Three Stooges.  I’m glad you asked.  I will illustrate my point with an example:  Dr. Evil.

The Austin Powers villain is a parody of James Bond villains.  A running gag throughout the movie plays off how when the bad guys capture 007, instead of just killing him, they design some super complicated contraption to bump him off (from which the secret agent invariably escapes).  Dr. Evil’s version of this is his obsession with getting sharks with frickin’ laser beams on their heads.  Now, having sharks with laser beams on their heads would be super cool to have at your disposal but not very useful in the real world.  In the real world, utility is the first priority for your gear.

The Goal Of Your Gear Is To Fight

Just like everything else in the firearms world, there is a lot of debate of what accessories you should rock with your Kydex holster (The debate is of course settled if you should rock a Kydex holster.  If you want to know what to look for when buying a holster take a look at this article:   What You Should Look For In A Kydex Holster).  If you are not careful, a casual conversation at the range can turn into a competition about how many rounds you should carry, with the obligatory reference to some story where a guy had to use 400 rounds in a gunfight.  I shouldn’t have to say this but walking around with a backpack of 9mm ammunition isn’t very practical. 

When you are trying to figure out your plan about what to carry, a good place to start that will prevent you from choosing form over substance is just ask yourself this question:  What will get the job done with the least amount of hassle?  Put another way, how can I arrange my set-up so it becomes second nature, something that I will use every day.  If I ever find myself in a life-or-death situation, I don’t want to be thinking about my gear at all.  I want to be focusing on how to keep myself and my family safe.  One way to do this is to decrease the variables.

This is one of the goals behind our new Plus One holster.

Laser Beams Used Correctly:  Our New Plus One Flex Holster

If you want to carry a spare mag there are a few ways to do it.  You could just put it in your pocket, which is better than not having it.  You could use our “The Associate” Kydex Pistol Mag Carrier, which allows you to carry an extra mag anywhere on your belt.  Or, if you want to keep everything in one place, you could go with our newest Plus One Flex IWB Kydex Holster option:

One of the big advantages of using a plus one holster is that you only have to put one thing on your belt.  It may not seem like a big deal attaching a mag carrier somewhere else on your belt, but it is an extra thing to do every single day.  You may be tempted to skip it one day or stop doing it all-together.  If you ever find yourself in a gunfight you are for sure going to wish you had another mag.  One of the reasons people traditionally haven’t used a plus one holster is because they can’t get it to fit comfortably because of their body type or activity level.

We love the plus one concept over here at FDO Industries, so we decided to fix this problem.  As we began to run prototypes it was obvious that the biggest issue was flexibility.  One long piece of Kydex that had both a holster and mag carrier takes up a decent about of space on your belt, so moving around can cause it to dig into your side.  If you replace the connector Kydex piece with a flexible material, it allows the mag carrier and holster to move independently of each other.  This massively increases the comfort level.  We custom cut Tegris sheets to accomplish this.

The material is incredibly tough and flexible.  We use a laser to cut it to the exact specifications we need every time (We aren’t super villains but we do have lasers.  Two to be exact).  We looked at a lot of different materials and Tegris was the winner by far.  We had to be sure that you could be sure that your Kydex Holster will work perfectly when you need it.   You can check it out here:  Plus One Flex IWB Kydex Holster option.  If you don’t mind putting on an extra mag carrier or want to have it in a different place on your belt you can check out our stand alone holsters here: Forge Your Own Holster.

Don’t let anyone tell you “What’s best”.  Figure out what works best for you and do that. Unless, its sharks with laser beams on their heads. 

Have a good one,


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